If you think about the last four or five times you purchased something, was the Internet involved in any of these transactions? The chances are likely that you purchased something online and if you did not actually purchase something online, you probably did something on the Internet involving making a purchase, even if it was simply looking up a telephone number or address. Even if you did not use the Internet at all to make your purchase, there is a good chance it was used by the merchant you made the purchase from, if not immediately in front of you such as running your credit card, there most likely was an exchange of information between the merchant and other entities involved in running the business you made a purchase from.
Nowadays, there are many places in the U.S. where large portions of the population do the bulk of their shopping online, including ordering groceries and other household items to be delivered without their ever needing to leave their homes. Consumers can order exotic items online that as little as 30 years ago they would likely have had to have gotten at specialty shop in a metropolitan city.
Whether you are thinking of starting a business in today’s E-conomy or are a veteran business owner, you probably know that the Internet is here to stay- and that it is important to make sure your business can survive its changing times.